#WeblogPoMo2024: BEGIN!

Daily blogging is a high bar to clear


Shannon Quinn


Posted on the 1st of May in the year 2024, at 8:24pm. It was Wednesday.

A flatscreen TV showing the words 'Welcome, Shannon' with a flowery background.

It’s been two months (to the day!) since I last posted here. Not a long stretch, relatively speaking, but a respectable one. It’s been a busy couple of months to be sure, but if I’m honest I just haven’t been making time to write anything down. Not for lack of things to write—I feel like I’m always composing blog posts in my head—but working+parenting+running+sleeping typically seems to be a potent enough combination to push out all but the highest priority items that don’t fall in any of those buckets.

Enter #WeblogPoMo2024, something I’d never heard of before seeing Henry post about it on Mastodon.

Seems challenging while also reasonable: no 2000+ daily word count goal, no minimum running mileage to hit. Just a blog post. I may not finish it (I’d really like to finish an Advent of Code one of these years), but it’d be a nice goal to shoot for. I know from the multitude of early faculty writing workshops I’ve attended that, at least for me, the single most consistent motivator to write is to write with other people. The group accountability just works for me. So maybe it’ll work here, too!

Join me, won’t you? Or just bug me until I hit “post”.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Quinn, Shannon},
  title = {\#WeblogPoMo2024: {BEGIN!}},
  date = {2024-05-01},
  url = {https://magsol.github.io/2024-05-01-weblogpomo2024-begin},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Quinn, Shannon. 2024. “#WeblogPoMo2024: BEGIN!” May 1, 2024. https://magsol.github.io/2024-05-01-weblogpomo2024-begin.